Tuesday, October 29, 2019

DB 4 Management and Leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

DB 4 Management and Leadership - Research Paper Example In the case of an internet retailer that involves a lot of inventive technology, and organizational flexibility, I would draw on the mission of the organization, as this would allow me work with what to expect in the future, and what the employees must strive to portray in the long run. Working on the mission statement allows the organization function outside the existing boundaries, and instill more creativity among the employees. I will also be very positive and inspiring to my employees, as this is the only way that the cycle of goals, objectives and strategies will be complete (Cawsey, Deszca & Ingols, 2011: 121). Working with the sub-units in the retail organization would allow me devise a change process. Cawsey, Deszca & Ingols (2011: 121) argue that working with sub-sections allows for generation of emotional vigor, commitment, and clear direction of the ideal future of the internet retailer. Since an entry and consistency in the internet retail market requires that the change agents- leaders- dream big, I will endeavor to come up with exciting, concise and challenging visions. In this case, I will have energized and mobilized employees to undertake initiatives that will lead to the internet retailer one of the best shops in existence (Cawsey, Deszca & Ingols, 2011: 121). My mission statement will be, ‘†¦by offering quality services, we motivate and encourage our employees to continually offer the best to our clients...’ With this, I will have created a dream on the ideal future of the organization; thus, dictate the same shape of ideas to the attainment of the organization’s aims and objectives. Vision, therefore, is the basis of a stronger, better and a unique organization (Cawsey, Deszca & Ingols, 2011: 121).A change leader must always come up with a vision and a team that will be useful in the implementation of the

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